Homeschooling in Georgia

Homeschooling in Georgia
Are you new to homeschooling in Georgia?
These resources can help you get started.

► Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) breaks down the legal requirements for homeschooling in Georgiaa.

► It’s always good to read the law for yourself. You can read other laws pertaining to homeschooling and compulsory attendance at Homeschooling in Georgia

► Georgia does not currently offer any type of tax incentives or grants for homeschool families. The state will be rolling out the Georgia Promise Scholarship in 2025, although most homeschoolers will not be able to take advantage of this grant.

► The Southeast Homeschool Expo is an annual convention held in Atlanta.

► Homeschoolers in Georgia will register a Declaration of Intent (NOI) with the Georgia Department of Education. This needs to be filed within 30 days of beginning to homeschool, and by September 1 annually thereafter. Their website lists out the homeschooling requirements and other helpful information, such as how homeschoolers obtain a driver’s license or work permit.

Georgia Home Education Association (GHEA) offers an annual graduation, provides consulting via phone and email, monitors legislation that would affect homeschooling, helps connect Georgia homeschoolers to local groups, and more.

We’re compiling a list of field trips in Georgia. Check back soon for details on where you can receive free or discounted admission, and fun, educational, or “off the beaten path” field trips.

Are you on Facebook? These state-wide groups can answer questions, offer support, and direct you to more local or specialized groups:

But HOW do I homeschool?

If you’re still wondering what on earth to do now, how to choose a curriculum, what planner is best, what your kids need to learn, etc., check out our page for families who are new to homeschooling. It’s filled with resources for beginner homeschoolers.