My Favorite Kids’ Art Blogs
Some of the websites I frequent the most are all about art with kids. More specifically, process art with kids. While my boys do own coloring books, and my refrigerator has boasted its share of handprint turkeys, I’m a strong believer in open-ended art. These three blogs are my favorites when it comes to art inspiration.
The Artful Parent: Jean Van’t Hul’s was one of the first blogs I found when looking for process art ideas. Her site is filled with a ton of incredible art projects and is overflowing with information on quality art supplies. Jean has also authored two books, The Artful Parent and The Artful Year; I own the first one and can tell you that it’s really good!
Tinkerlab: Rachelle Doorley, who calls herself a “maker mom,” posts fabulous articles and activities that revolve around children and creativity, whether that’s art, science, or even organization. In addition to Creative Adventures in Cursive, she’s also authored the Tinkerlab book, which is packed full of fun activities for kids of various ages. I own it, love it, and recommend it. Rachelle also hosts a month art challenge – follow the prompts on your own, give them to your kids, or do them together!
Meri Cherry: It was Meri Cherry’s blog that first introduced me to the idea of tinker trays – I highly recommend reading her post if you’re not familiar with what those are! She also shares gobs of sensory play and art ideas, and even has a fabulous list for “non-crafty moms” that includes some of her favorite art supplies, along with ideas for how to use them. How great is that! Meri has also written a book called Play, Make, Create.
I’d love to hear which creativity blogs YOU follow. Leave a comment so I can check them out!
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